Friday, April 1, 2016

Should I get this phone or wait until a new Nexus?

So, a bit of a backstory: I am still on an AT&T GS4. It is obviously years old, but still chugs along. More hangups now than earlier, but restarting fixes it. My phone is rooted, but no custom ROMs or anything, because locked boot loaders are great like that.

I use Tasker for enough things, AdAway, ClockSync (because I am anal and like "perfect" time), ES File Explorer, Light Flow, TB, and I do have some Xposed modules. Some of my Tasker profiles use Secure Settings. I really did like custom ROMs on my international GS2, and was pretty bummed that this did not have them. I also simply like having full control over my phone. It's my hardware, I want to use it how I please.

I have not purchased a Nexus 6p because it is mostly just too large for me. The S7E might be the biggest I would be comfortable with. At this point, I am looking for opinions on whether I should wait for a possibly new Nexus phone, or pick up this one. I would likely grab the 935F, and not the AT&T variant. Another thing that scares me is warranty, or lack thereof, since I would be buying it from an ebay seller. I've never had a phone with a manufacturer defect or something worth warrantying, but it would suck to have a dead phone and be out ~$700.

Any thoughts/opinions/similar conundrums?

from xda-developers

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