I bought a battery from aliexpress. It was dated 2013. I replaced the old battery with the 'new' one and first charge was long. Replacement battery held the charge very well and I used some sort of Battery calibrator app to deplore it. After that the charge was normal until roughly 65% then it jumped quickly to 100%.
Now the gauge shows that the battery discharges to 1% in 7-8 hours. After that the gauge just stays at 1% and the phone keeps working for another 20 hours or so!
So I gather the battery is fine and the gauge is skewed. I tried many things described here at XDA, calibrator apps, even flashed a CM13 ROM - no change with the readings everytime. Even in TWRP the gauge shows 1% and the phone keeps working for hours.
Is there a way to get the battery gauge back to normal!?
My Moto X is XT1053 and I run stock 5.1 debloated.
Now the gauge shows that the battery discharges to 1% in 7-8 hours. After that the gauge just stays at 1% and the phone keeps working for another 20 hours or so!
So I gather the battery is fine and the gauge is skewed. I tried many things described here at XDA, calibrator apps, even flashed a CM13 ROM - no change with the readings everytime. Even in TWRP the gauge shows 1% and the phone keeps working for hours.
Is there a way to get the battery gauge back to normal!?
My Moto X is XT1053 and I run stock 5.1 debloated.
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1MBFAsq
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