Sunday, January 31, 2016

Google Nexus 4 Does not show up as USB device but charging OK.

Got myself a google LG Nexus 4.
Connecting via USB - 2 different cables, 2 computers, 3 different operating systems (archlinux, debian, windows vista ) - i get nothing (*).

the phone does not acknowledge that it is connected to a computer, but it charges ok.
the computers do not recognize the phone in any way, not even in dmesg (or device manager in windows).

i have tried changing options inside the phone (debugging on/off, mtp/ptp...), even a full factory reset, and going into recovery and wiping cache/dalvik cache. - nothing.

wiggling the cable and such does not help.
i even replaced the usb connector, no change whatsoever.
so something tells me that it is not a hardware problem.

the phone has been upgraded to android 5.0 (before i became the owner).
my endless searches show that nobody knows what's going on, it might be hardware fatigue, it might be related to the upgrade to 5.x, it might be a firmware problem...

any helpful pointers, including downgrading & softbricking the system would be helpful (i just want to install ubuntu phone onto it).

(*) my other android phone connects ok with both cables, to all machines and operating systems.

from xda-developers

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